This is my little rant about why SMART goals are dumb. Yes, this could be considered a controversial topic but why not keep reading to find out a far more fun and simple way to write out your goals?
The most important takeaway from this post is to WRITE down your goals, however you do it. Less than 10% of people set written, positive goals each year.
Less than 10%!
Imagine the kind of world we would live in if we doubled or tripled the current number of people who write down their goals. I would take an educated guess that the levels of broke and unhappy people would decrease significantly. The world would be a very different place.
Writing ideas down makes them real, gets your thoughts in order and is a permanent record of your wants and dreams. Studies have shown that you boost your chances of accomplishing goals by at least 40% if they are written down.
If you read this post and still want to write out your goals the SMART way, please, by all means go ahead. But whatever you do and however you do it, please WRITE down your goals because if you don’t set goals, someone else will do it for you.
Here are three reasons why SMART goals are dumb…
1) SMART Goals are Vague
SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Action, Realistic and Time. Except that it doesn’t!
Sometimes the SMART goals acronym has ‘Achievable’ for the A and ‘Relevant’ for the R. Plus, Time can mean any number of things including time-bound, timeframe, or even temporal on occasion. No one even agrees on what the SMART goals acronym even stands for so why are we trying to use it to set our goals?
2) SMART Goals are Hard Work
The SMART goals method provides five criteria for setting goals in a kind of abstract way. You have to go back and forth between the specific goal you are trying to write down and determine whether it checks off against each of the criteria (which can’t be agreed upon, anyway).
By the time you make sure your goal is SMART, you have done so much work you feel like you have achieved your goal when all you have done is achieved the almost impossible task of writing it down ‘correctly’!
3) SMART Goals are Boring
Writing down a SMART goal, if you are even able to do it, leads to a goal that doesn’t have an emotional connection, a vivid portrait of how you will feel and what you will be doing when you get your goal.
It is simply not compelling enough to drive you to take action.
How to Write Your Goals the Super Sexy Way
My book, Super Sexy Goal Setting lays out a fun, simple and, of course, super sexy alternative way to write out your goals. Here is a summary:
- Brainstorm: The first step is to brainstorm everything you want. Put aside a few minutes and simply go wild. It doesn’t have to be written in any particular format. You can make a list, draw a mind map or write on the back of a napkin. The important thing is to just to jot down every idea you have right now. You can’t do this wrong!
- Template: Take one idea and turn it into a super sexy goal. A super sexy goal has three elements: powerful language, a vivid description and an emotional connection weaved in. All you need to do is plug your goal into the template below and all three super sexy elements are included for you.
I am so happy and grateful that (goal success) on or before (date). [Vivid description of goal].
For example: I am so happy and grateful that I have published a children’s picture book on or before October 2017. I have just received the first five-star review of my beautiful book and am feeling so happy that it is out in the world for kids and their parents to enjoy.
- Action: Read your goal every single day and then take action to make it happen. Believe it will happen. Schedule it in. Yes, that’s it!
Super Sexy Goal Setting Challenge
SMART goals are dumb because they are vague, hard work and boring. Why not try writing out your goals the super sexy way?
Use the template to write out a goal and send it to me at I want to it to be so delicious I will be able to taste it!
I am so happy and grateful that (goal success) on or before (date). [Vivid description of goal].
I really hope you write out your goals the super sexy way but most of all I hope this inspires you to brainstorm your heart’s desires, write out your most desirable goals and start taking massive action to achieve them.
Check out my short, fun video presentation on Why Smart Goals are Dumb on YouTube (17 minutes)
Super Sexy Goal Setting – There is a ton more information and help in my book, Super Sexy Goal Setting so feel free to grab it wherever all good books are sold online.
Super Sexy Goal Setting Workbook – I am delighted to announce that the Super Sexy Goal Setting Workbook is available now. This WORKBOOK is a complete and unabridged version of the Super Sexy Goal Setting, with workbook additions. Throughout the workbook, there are sections with questions, prompts and plenty of blank lines to write out your own notes and goals. Grab your copy today!
Cat Michaels says
Laughing here because I ran staff development workshops back in the day in the private sector. One popular sessions was helping employees identify SMART goals for measuring performance ratings. Since the SMARTs were tied to an individual’s annual salary increase, it was ok the goals were boring .
Julie says
LOL, boring goals are the worst!
Rosie Russell says
Great post, Julie! I enjoyed this a lot. I’m looking forward to your workbook.
I’ve learned to set out to accomplish two major goals for myself a year. I try to dedicate at least 5 minutes to at least one of them a day. Almost always, I end up spending more than 5 mins. Over bits of time, those goals are achieved and accomplished. This has always worked for me.
Everyone finds their own way. Getting started is the hardest part, but breaking it down seems to be the simplest for me.
Julie says
Exactly right Rosie, find a process that works and stick to it
Julie Gorges says
Never heard of SMART goals, but now that I know, thanks to your blog, I agree with you. Love your method SO much more! Much more motivating and inspiring. A workbook will be a great addition to your fab book.
Julie says
People are never going to spend time on uninspiring goals when there is Netflix and Ninendo these days!